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RV50 GPS AT Command

SmartWater Apr 6, 2017 05:15 PM

We run a GPS AT command to collect x,y from the RV50 because our equipment is portable, and our clients occasionally want to track it's location through Eagle.io map. 

Unfortunately it seems we can only turn on or off the GPS receiver in the RV50 through ACE Manager which our clients do not have access to, and it does not appear that there is an AT command for this. So for now, every time the RV50 turns ON using SW12V, the GPS receiver consumes 50mA unnecessarily which is a burden on our small portable power supply.

Any ideas?

Thanks for any suggestions.

JDavis Apr 6, 2017 05:19 PM

I think there is a setting in the modem for the frequency at which it powers up the GPS. I had a customer use it once.

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