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RTMCPro XY Chart + Age Gradient = No Legend?

SteveA Apr 13, 2018 03:22 PM

Hi, I've looked through the forum but didn't see any similar issues, so hopefully I'm just doing something wrong that someone can point out.  I have an XY chart in RTMCPro and I've plotted several different series on the plot, so I have the Legend plotted to help me identify which series is which.  I also want to have the Age Gradient option checked so that I can tell which points are newer vs older.  However, when I check this option, the legend mark in the legend goes invisible for that series.  Is there a way to have the age gradient on while still having a useful legend?

Also, separate but related question, it seems that the age gradient is only functional on the fill of a mark, not the outline.  Is there a way to have the outline fade as well?



tmecham Apr 13, 2018 07:08 PM

This appears to be a bug in the legend with trying to render a gradient point type.  One alternative would be to place a gradient component on the legend with the age gradient colors.  If you position it correctly it looks pretty good in run-time although it's just a square.  You could also just place a shape with the primary color over the legend if you want something other than a rectangle.  That is what the graph does when the project is published to the web with an age gradient.

There isn't currently an option to have the outline fade.  We were worried about not being able to tell which series the aged point was associated with.

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