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formatlong RealTime

kokihualpa Mar 30, 2020 05:48 AM

I used the instruction RealTime for get the time of the CR1000 in an array rTime(9) as long. Then I use formatLong for I have each rTime() with always two digits, I mean complete with zeros (right justified).

Like rTime(1)=20, rTime(2)=03, rTime(3)=29, rTime(4)=04....

Like you see with two digits, complete with zeros.

But when I see in the public it shows: rTime(1)=20, rTime(2)=3, rTime(3)=29, rTime(4)=4. With no zeros.

This is a part of program

Public rTime(9) As Long


Scan (5,Min,0,0)

RealTime (rTime)

For a=1 To 9
rTime(a)= FormatLong(rTime(a),"%02d")
Next a



JDavis Mar 30, 2020 03:09 PM

 To preserve leading zeroes, the destination variable needs to be a string data type.

Public rTime(9) As Long
public TimeOutput(9) as String


Scan (5,Min,0,0)

RealTime (rTime)

For a=1 To 9
TimeOutput(a)= FormatLong(rTime(a),"%02d")
Next a




Sam Apr 11, 2020 11:05 PM

SprintF() is really handy in formatting the results of RealTime() into strings.


Dim rTime(9) As Long
Alias rTime(1) = Year,Month,DayOfMonth,Hour,Minute,Second,uSecond,DayOfWeek,DayofYear

Public tString1 As String * 32
Public tString2 As String * 32
Public tString3 As String * 32
Public tString4 As String * 32

  Scan (1,Sec,0,0)

    RealTime (rTime)

    Sprintf (tString1,"%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d",Year,Month,DayOfMonth,Hour,Minute,Second)

    Sprintf (tString2,"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",Year,Month,DayOfMonth,Hour,Minute,Second)

    Sprintf (tString3,"%02d/%02d/%02d",Month,DayOfMonth,CTYPE(FRAC(Year/100)*100,Long))

    '2020-04-11 17:04:19
    Sprintf (tString4,"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d%",Year,Month,DayOfMonth,Hour,Minute,Second)



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