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How to send command string to SDI-12 on CR1000

BertSP Mar 3, 2021 09:21 PM

I am trying to set up a Vaisala WS425 running SDI-12. I can send a setup string using the transparent terminal emulator fine.

I need for this string to be sent to the WS when the program starts and before the scans as this setting does not apparently survive a power down.

I tried including it in a SDIRecorder command but I am not successful:


This runs an averaging routine between scans. WS address = 0

The scan instruction is fine with SDI12Recorder(WSData(),1,0,"R0!",1,0)

There has to be a simple way to do this I hope.

pokeeffe Mar 3, 2021 09:48 PM

Have you tried removing the leading 0 from your command? The address is already specified in the third function parameter.

BertSP Mar 3, 2021 10:26 PM

Thank you Sir, that did the trick.

On a slightly different tangent, can someone share their code for the same setup in SDI-12 Mode A. Is there a one line command for get data (ie 5 sec scan). The manual mentions two sequential commands (can't get it to work).

Mode B works fine

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