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Scan interval too short

Patrik95 Aug 12, 2021 07:57 AM

I am currently trying to configure the CR1000X.
I would like to make the following measurement:
5 different voltages are to be measured at 5 single ends inputs. This measurement should happen every 100ms and should be saved in 100ms, 1sec (avg) and 10sec (avg) interval.

With my code the following error occurs:

line 90: Scan interval too short for measurement by 151 mSec.

I tried to run it in SequentialMode, but then it skips too many scans.


'Main Scan
'Default CR1000X Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement 'BattV'
'Default CR1000X Datalogger Wiring Panel Temperature measurement 'PTemp_C'
'Generic Single-Ended Voltage measurements 'H1_P_Volt'
'Generic Single-Ended Voltage measurements 'H2_Blatt_Volt'
'Generic Single-Ended Voltage measurements 'H3_WG_Volt'
'Generic Single-Ended Voltage measurements 'H4_Dreh_Volt'
'Generic Single-Ended Voltage measurements 'H5_Gon_Volt'
'Call Data Tables and Store Data
CallTable Sekunden_10
CallTable Sekunden_1
CallTable Millisekunden_100


Is it possible to fix this problem and run this measurement?

aks Aug 12, 2021 05:22 PM

Your minimum scan interval has to be greater than 251 ms. As all measurements require this much time, the way your instructions are written.

With f_notch of 50 Hz, in your voltse instruction, each measurement is  integrated for 20 ms, then we have 500 uS pof settling time, and some setup setup time for the measurement. All this requires more time than 100 mS. If you change your fnotch to some higher frquency, it should work.

You can also save some measurement  time by setting MeasOff parameter to false.

Patrik95 Aug 13, 2021 09:29 AM

Solved. Thank you very much!

ZooKeeper Aug 13, 2021 01:13 PM

If 100ms is required, change the VoltSE measurement offset to false and change the temperature measurement fnotch to 15000. That will get you a long way toward that goal.

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