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File rename

Ponce Jan 15, 2015 02:38 PM

What is the easiest way to rename a file created by the Tablefile instruction. I only get "LastFileName" from the command, but not the current file name.

JDavis Jan 20, 2015 11:57 PM

You should use a variable of type String as the LastFileName parameter of the TableFile instruction. That will return a complete file name including the location. You can rename the file afterwards using the FileRename instruction. Below is a program I made by modifying the example program for TableFile.

'Measurement Variables
Public Bat, RefTemp, Temp

'TableFile variables
Public OutStat As Boolean, LastFileName As String * 25

DataTable (Test,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,5,Min,10)
TableFile ("USR:Test",8,-1,0,60,Min,OutStat,LastFileName)
Sample (1,Bat,FP2)
Sample (1,Temp,FP2)

SetStatus ("USRDriveSize",16384)

Scan (1,Sec,3,0)
PanelTemp (RefTemp,250)
TCDiff (Temp,1,mV2_5C,1,TypeT,RefTemp,True ,0,250,1.0,0)

CallTable (Test)

'Monitor the OutStat variable,and if a new file has been stored
'rrename that file
If OutStat Then FileRename (LastFileName,"USR:NewFileName")


Ponce Jan 23, 2015 10:57 AM

JDavis: Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately the "LastFileName" lacks one step behind, thus giving me the previous, but not the present file name.

smh Jan 23, 2015 01:41 PM

Just an idea but say you did get the present file name, you wouldn't be able to rename it because by definition, it's still open & being written to ? Can you explain why you want it and we can maybe come up with a solution.

Ponce Jan 23, 2015 01:45 PM

Right, but once the task is finished and the file is written I want to rename it. For this I need to know its file name.

smh Jan 23, 2015 02:37 PM

Public Bat, RefTemp, Temp

'TableFile variables
Public OutStat As Boolean, LastFileName As String * 25
Dim lngCount As Long

DataTable (Test,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,1,Min,10)
TableFile ("USR:Test",8,-1,0,1,Min,OutStat,LastFileName)
Sample (1,Bat,FP2)
Sample (1,Temp,FP2)

SetStatus ("USRDriveSize",16384)

Scan (1,Sec,3,0)
PanelTemp (Temp,250)
' TCDiff (Temp,1,mV2_5C,1,TypeT,RefTemp,True ,0,250,1.0,0)

CallTable (Test)

'Monitor the OutStat variable,and if a new file has been stored
'rename that file
If OutStat Then
FileRename (LastFileName,"USR:NewFileName" & lngCount)
lngCount = lngCount + 1

Slightly altered code from JDavis, LastFileName does as I expect - you can't keep renaming the test file NewFileName as there's already one on user drive but give it a unique name and it worked as expected. Is there something I'm missing here ?

Otemohu Sep 28, 2017 10:06 AM

Hi all,

If I want to generate file everydays (from midnight to midnight) and that these file have the date in string format YYYYMMDD, how to proceed :

I think I can use FileTime(LastFileName) to retrieve the timestamp and then format the date as I precised above. But how to code that in CRbasic, especially to retrieve the date in YYYYMMDD and used it in FileRename function.

Otemohu Sep 28, 2017 01:48 PM

I have it:

LastFileTime = Datatable.Timestamp(3,1)
    Desiredtime = timearray(3)&timearray(2)&timearray(1)&timearray(4)&timearray(5)
    Newfilename = "CRD:Begin"+Desiredtime+".csv"

If Outstat Then

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