AVW200 OS 3

  1. Fixed vibrating wire measurement problem where if the excitation range has a delta-time of around 28-30ms, both the VB and Therm measurements will not be correct. An example of a range that would result in incorrect measurement is bfreq=800 and efreq=1000 yielding a 28.8ms excite time.
  2. Changed SDI-12 address to accept values 0..9 A..Z and a..z.
  3. Added 150ms delay after a Multiplexer Reset and before any multiplexer clocking for multiplexer type "AM16/32 or AM16/32A" and "Other multiplexer (20ms Hig 50% Duty Cycle)?. This delay is required for AM16/32A with serial number < 2596.
  4. Added new multiplexer type for double clocking multiplexers. Two clocks for every one multiplexer advancement. High for 20ms and low for 20ms on every clock.
  5. Fixed terminal mode command "2" so that it uses begin freq, end freq and excite for setting values on channel 2. Channel 1 values were being used.