Mobile Data Assistant 2.1.2
Updated: 20-06-2014

  1. Fixed a bug that could cause SDI-12 to draw extra current.
  2. Fixed a problem that could cause the battery level indicator to show one bar lower than it should.
  3. Added support for the COM110A.
  4. Fixed a compatibility issue when programming logger PPP settings.
  5. Increased the programming speed for commands requiring a response.
  6. Reduced the time it takes to detect the modem with Find Modem.
  7. Added Modem stack in use detection, this allows IP feedback in the diagnostics screen to refer users to Status.IPInfo when the modem stack is not in use.
  8. Added an extended response time option of 5 or 10 seconds for command/response instructions. This is useful with some USB to serial adapters that have variable behaviour.