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SR50A Decimal Rollover Problem

Brandon Stolz Jan 30, 2018 03:57 PM

I was wondering if anyone else has seen this issue and if there is a known solution. I've got one snow sensor that hovers around 76cm from its surface. Occasionally I get a bad return string that looks like this "33;075.100;169;11111;A2". Its only bad in that the number of digits for the measured depth is 7 characters long instead of 6 and so my string parsing program fails. I of course could fix it by searching for the semi-colons, but it looks like this occurs when the measurement goes from 75.99 to 75.100 to 76.01. It seems to me that the sensor is improperly rolling over the decimal to 100 instead of adding an integer of 1 and dropping the decimal back to 0. I couldn't tell you what firmware version we are on but the firmware notes don't seem to mention this issue.

Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks for your help!

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